Paper Cut

Paper Cut is an exhibition consisting of Bengisu Bayrak's works from the last five years, focusing on the concepts of remembering and forgetting and the different realities of today. Bayrak shapes her artistic practice, much like her intellectual practice, through processes of disintegration and construction. She dissects accepted, bounded concepts such as selves, identities, definitions, in short, concepts surrounded by borders, and rearranges them within themselves, much like a collage. She associates them with each other, sometimes with stitches, sometimes with adhesives, sometimes with gaps or paints, bringing together different readings, redefined alternatives, realized potentials, or enthusiastically awaited rebellions that are waiting to become real, in a simple language. Women, men, children, youths, the elderly, those nearby, the unknown, the lost, the mourned, the longed-for, the forgotten, the awaited, and the beloved form the real usual suspects of this fictional universe, shaping the event horizon of an unnamed—unnecessary—black hole.

Bengisu Bayrak
