Unknown Limbs

In this world where we struggle to understand how time flows, the sudden anxieties that arise within us, the terrors triggered by the efforts to find a place in life, and the anxieties we grow with are addressed in the exhibition titled "Unknown Limbs." Baysan Yüksel forms the overall framework of the exhibition with the insight that "the survival mechanisms we developed in the evolutionary process can be triggered at strange moments and turn us into our own enemies." The paintings, reminiscent of sequences in dark fairy tales, are a trace of individual and societal confrontations. Emotions are depicted with an octopus, one of the species furthest from humans. Associating the flexible and multi-limbed anatomy of the octopus with variable and unknown feelings, the artist likens passing emotions to the wind and fragile situations to water. In "Unknown Limbs," she highlights the moment of freezing that occurs as a result of anxieties.

When an untraceable anxiety is triggered, the artist focuses on freezing the micro-seconds of the emotional burden felt, aiming to remind and make the viewer feel those moments again. Baysal Yüksel's personal exhibition "Unknown Limbs" is open to visitors at Büyükdere35 Culture and Art Platform until November 10th.

Baysan Yüksel
