Same Sky

Eylül Ceren Ersöz often explores the connection between individuals and societies in her works. Through her choice of materials, she achieves a cohesive impact in her artworks. The artist questions the concepts of belonging and otherness by examining the continuity and transformation of life through the sensory connotations and metaphorical meanings of the tree. In the relationship between individual existence and societal ideals, displacement creates a conceptual gap in the artist's works. Each figure at the center of the works, besides representing various forms of resistance to sustain its unique existence, also serves as a symbol of societal struggle in its own space or lands. The artist is in search of developing a new perception of the present and recent history through an effective aesthetic strategy. The exhibition "Same Sky" takes its name from some literary references: the artist establishes a close connection between the poems of Nazım Hikmet and the poem "Bir Eflatun Ölüm" by Behçet Aysan and her works.

Eylül Ceren Ersöz

13.11.2019– 04.01.2020