Dilruba Balak (Istanbul, 1988) has a background in Audiovisual Design (BA, Universitat Politechnica de Valencia) and Communication Design (BA, Anadolu University). Her artistic journey unfolds through the transformative power of fluidity, aiming to transcend, challenge, and recreate familiar boundaries within her paintings. This artistic endeavor explores boundless connections, a space where limits dissolve, and everything converges into a harmonious, interconnected whole. Figures and spaces converge within this fluidity, conveying a sense of continuous transformation through the desire to follow narratives that spontaneously emerge or unfold.
5 products


Selected Exhibitions

2024, ''En Route'', Karma Exhibition, Inspera Bodrum Culture and Art, Muğla, TR
2023, Do we have more?, 5533, Istanbul, TR
2022, Group Show, The House of Desire, Hane, Heybeliada, Istanbul, TR
2022, In Between Things, Unpredictable Emotions, Mahalla Festival, Istanbul, TR
2022, Group Show, Soundcheck, Hane, Heybeliada, Istanbul, TR
2021, Group Show, Contact, The Urban Arts, Darağaç, Izmir, TR
2021, Solo Presentation in collaboration with Sercan Apaydın, Island Aspect, Online Exhibition at
artnivo.com, Istanbul, TR
2019, Open Studio Show, What are we looking for?, Hayy Open Space, İzmir, TR
2019, Group Show, Necessity, Group Exhibition, Darağaç, Izmir, TR
2018, Open Studio Show, Deal With It, Open Studio Exhibition, KEX Studio, WUK Vienna, AT

Awards, Residencies, Grants

2021 – Askhal Alwan Home Workspace Program (HWP)
2019 – Hayy’dakiler Artist in Residency, Hayy Open Space, İzmir, TR
2018 – 2019, KEX Studio Artist Residency, WUK, Vienna, AT