Forgetting Istanbul

The exhibition "Forgetting Istanbul," one of the parallel events of the biennial starting in September, will open on September 13th at Büyükdere35 in the Büyükdere neighborhood, which has witnessed deep but forgotten memories in Istanbul's memory. Comprising works by Selin Gömüç and Memed Erdener, the exhibition's text unveils the fog over Istanbul:

"Those who dominate the present also dominate the past. Knowing this, the state, private property, and family continue to erase Istanbul's memory. The city, a pile of images, resists this memory plunder. Istanbul tells us that the past cannot be easily erased, that memories have already spread to many capillaries, and that perhaps a clue to crime is hidden in a tavern or in a nursery rhyme. Today, we know that the truth is different from the reality we live. Nothing is lost, nothing is created; everything transforms into each other. May Blanqui's revolutionary spirit be with us: Each possible future will be lived, and everything experienced will be remembered. There is no escape, looters!"

Selin Gömüç & Mehmet Erdener


İstanbul'u Unutmak

Forgetting Istanbul

The "Forgetting Istanbul" exhibition, one of the parallel events of the biennial that will start in September, opens on September 13 at Büyükdere35 in the Büyükdere district, which has been the scene of deep but forgotten memories in Istanbul's memory. The text of the exhibition, consisting of works by Selin Gömüç and Memed Erdener, clears the fog over Istanbul.