17th Istanbul Biennial, Cooking Sections: MudRealm

Cooking Sections utilizes food as a method to scrutinize and address significant environmental issues of our time. Embracing a visual language that extends from site-specific installations to performance, the group blends visual art with architecture, ecology, and geopolitics.

A new work created for the 17th Istanbul Biennial, "MudRealm" traces the interactions between the multiple ecologies of wetlands around the city, which are under the threat of disappearance, and Istanbul's buffaloes. As part of the project, research was conducted on the feeding and growth patterns of living beings that interact with buffaloes at different times of the year. This research involved collaboration with herdsmen, biologists, environmentalists, conservationists, ethnomusicologists, and various other individuals. These interdisciplinary investigations form the basis of the first Buffalo Festival organized during the biennial. The Buffalo Festival will continue annually, ensuring the sustainability of the project. "MudRealm" also takes place as a site-specific installation at Büyükdere35. The venue features research on the feeding and growth patterns of living beings in a pudding shop, created specifically for this work, presented through various materials, tastings, and sounds. The Buffalo Festival took place on September 17, 2022, in Arnavutköy.